Monday, January 24, 2011

Artistic Over-whelms...

I can't sleep! So many ideas for projects are all coming to at once. A plethora of designs consisting of different mediums are occupying my brain and I can't sleep! Every time I try to close my eyes, my mind wanders off into "Creation Nation" and all of these possible possibilities just start oozing from my brain. I'm suffering from Artistic Overwhelms. Please don't laugh, this is a serious condition. It's worse than having Artists' Block. Its one thing not having any ideas (which can suck major ass), but its a totally other feeling when you have too many ideas coming all at once. I really don't know what to do! Well actually I do, I just don't know where to start. I'm going crazy over here man.

I literally created a brand, its identity and audience in like 10 minutes. I have visions of me creating the designs at the sewing machine and everything and I've never even used one in my life lol. This can't be normal. Am I losing my mind? Like I really can't sleep right now, its insane. I guess I'll just sit here and type out all my ideas and designs and names, concepts and brands and any other thing that comes to mind. I'm definitely going to need a larger memory card for my BlackBerry! If everything goes the way I envision in this kooky head of mine, 2011 is going to be bananas yo

Nish is coming for that ass hahahaha

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Only the DOPEST survive..

Picture this...

A world full of DOPE ass people with DOPE ass names
DOPE ass attitudes and DOPE ass brains
With the DOPEST vernacular & the DOPEST of hearts
Who have DOPE ambitions that set them apart
From the Losers & the Suckas & the Lames who never strive
Picture a world where only the DOPEST survive...

hahaaha...that would be DOPE yo

Truthfully, if you surround yourself with the right people that are doing the right things for the right reasons, you won't have a problem picturing that world at all. Shit you probably already live in it. I know I do. I love DOPE things, I kick it with the DOPEST people who create and do some of the DOPEST shit. I love hard and grind even harder. My goals have goals tell me that aint DOPE. I'm out to be the best at everything I do and if you're not careful, everything you do as well. Doing me while telling nay-sayers to kill that noise hahaha. That's just the mindset that I live in though...the dopest.Mindset